Saturday, February 28, 2015

Blog 17: Third Answer


·      EQ: What aspect of film editing most effectively delivers the emotion of the plot?

·      Answer 3: An effective film editing aspect is continuity editing
o   Keeps the film consistent without seeming off when there is a cut
o   Has the audience believe the scenes were actually made in the same time frame
o   Doesn’t confuse the audience and allows them to be immersed in the story as it subconsciously pleases the viewers eyes

·      Sources:
o   "Post Production: Understanding Continuity in Editing" NA. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
o   Stinson, Jim. "Edit Suite: Five Types of Continuity" 1 Mar. 2000. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.

·      Continuity is yet another important factor to film editing because without it you’d end up with a scene in different time frames, whole new outfits, and confusing movements.

February Post

For this month it was mostly preparation for the Lesson 2 presentation and finishing up my first Independent Component. For the Lesson 2 I got the chance to answer my first answer to my EQ through a lesson and in that lesson I created a video for an activity of mine. The video showed how my answer of pacing of sequenced shots was an effective answer. I made the video with pacing flaws and the class had to tell me if the pacing worked or if it didn't. Another production I worked on during ROP class was a recreation of a scene from the Odd Couple. Mr. Miller, my mentor, gave me the task of adapting a scene from that movie so we could recreate it. I would then act in it along with Andrew Morris and the class would pair up with someone and edit the project while I edited on my own. So February was a very productive and bus month for me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog 16: Answer 2

1.  What is your EQ?

What aspect of film editing most effectively delivers the emotion of the plot?

2.  What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)

An effective editing technique would be pacing of sequenced shots

3.  What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)

Manipulation of color correction and grading enhances the plot

4.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.

·      Color correction is done to please the audiences eyes and captivate them
·      Making a film stay consistent with the color scheme will enhance the productivity of the film
·      Wrong choice in color scheme could ruin the whole outlook of the film

5.  What printed source best supports your answer?

·      RC #28
·      RC #46
·      RC #47

6.  What other source supports your answer?

·      My mentor

7.  Tie this together with a concluding thought.

I chose color correction because in films there are always a certain color theme to it and it staying consistent could really make or break a film. For example, having a film that might be a bit dark and mysterious you wouldn’t go with bright vibrant colors, you’d go with like a bluish type of theme. So color correction actually helps enhance the plot as it emphasizes the overall theme of the film.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

What I am planning to do for my 30 hours is work with Andrew Morris on a short film that he’s written. The short film should be around 20-30 min. and will take various days to shoot and put together. My roll on this film would be cinematographer and film editor. So I’ll be there for all days of shooting and work on the editing on my own time

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

Considering shooting a film could take more hours than required for the Independent Component 2, I’m only going to count the hours I edit the film since editing could a bit long and the film will require more than a day to put together.

3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.

The script of the short film has many different aspects of film editing I’ll have to learn and apply myself. It’s going to be a whole different experience from what I usually do with videos. There will be special effects required, efficient audio mixing, and general sharp cuts I’ll need to do. So with new aspects of film editing I’ll need to do it’ll be a learning experience.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Independent Component 1

·      Literal
o   I, Brandon Le, affirm that I completed my independent component, which represents 38 hours of work.
o   What I’ve done in those hours was compose multiple videos, all different in many aspects. The videos range from using more so technical work than others. Overall I made 5 videos for my Independent Component.
·      Interpretive
o   Since my senior project is film editing, there’s no better way to demonstrate an adequate understanding of that topic than to actually edit films. So not including production of the films I did over 30 hours of editing films alone, with great concentration.  So in order, I have the links to the videos in which I worked on for the past few months (note: some of these videos weren’t uploaded to YouTube on the date it was finished)
o   Canada Project:
o   Hasan’s video:
o   PTSA Silent Auction:
o   Mission Tuition:
o   The Odd Couple Scene:

·      Applied
o   How this component helped me understand the foundation of my topic better was that they were all relatively different videos. Each video had its own unique style to it because of the type it is. There were some that required a lot more time because of the technical aspects of film editing, while some were just edited by the mood of the video. As you can see from the screenshots of my edits, the videos are all different and you could see which ones required more work in some aspects than others. For example in the Odd Couple video, that took more work in audio because we used a boom mic for the sound so the editing was a lot more focused on audio. Then there was the PTSA video where I had to choose a song and edit it together, so once I chose the song it was up to me to edit it in the style and the pace of the song. So this component was really helpful has my knowledge of film editing increases the more I edit videos.