Friday, August 15, 2014

Blog 2: Summer Mentorship Component

1. Link to Mentorship log:
2. Manhattan Beach Studios Contact Info:
  • Location: 1600 Rosecrans Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
  • Christian Abella - (951) 310-4985
3. Questions Raised
  • Is organization key to a successful production?
  • What's necessary to do before getting or attempting to get into the film industry?
  • Is it possible to work your way up in the production business?
  • How many aspects of production is there?
4. Most Important Thing Gained from Experience:
  • I learned that in order to be in film production you need to be very organized with everything. Everyone has responsibilities, to handle their things and to be organized with them. My mentor for example, he handles the props for the sets and when they're not being used he organizes them and labels any type of prop, whether it's small, big, valuable, or useless and puts them where they could possibly used later on. Productions are always thinking ahead of time before going into the scenes. When the scenes have to be set up, the props should be put where they'll know to get and place. So organization and planning ahead is so very important in the aspect of film production.  
Senior Project Topic:
  • From the beginning of being introduced about the Senior Projects I knew I was going to do Film. The only problem I had was what about film I was going to talk about. For me I understand somewhat every aspect of film from pre-production to production to post-production. Before my mentorship I was mainly leaning towards post-production where it all comes together and where editors get to work. But since going to my mentorship at MBS, I'm more so leaning towards just production and being on the set and having everything prepared, there's so much going on during production that it's hard to cover all. So though what I did didn't really change my mind about Film at all, I have a better understanding of it now and it has made me more confident in doing Film for my Senior Projects.

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